Purify The Air In Your Home With These 7 Plants

Even if you don’t live in an area of the country that typically experiences a lot of pollution, having plants in the home can work wonders for your mental health, as well as for purifying the air.

So, if you’re looking for some easy-to-grow, affordable houseplants that will cleanse the air in your home while making you feel good, here are 7 of the best:

  1. Snake plant

This one is also commonly known as Mother-in-law’s-tongue, and with its ability to filter formaldehyde (something found in a lot of products used for cleaning around the home), it is a fantastic plant for helping to purify the air inside your home. Releasing oxygen at night time, also makes it a great plant to grow in a bedroom, as it will help you breathe better while you sleep.

  1. Boston Fern

Able to remove a number of airborne pollutants, including benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene, this particular plant is beautiful as well as useful for purifying indoor air. Additionally, it helps increase humidity levels in homes, meaning that it’s a great plant to grow if you, or anyone in the household, suffers with respiratory problems or dry skin.

  1. Spider plant

So simple to care for, the spider plant is fantastic at helping to purify the air inside homes. Highly effective at eliminating several different airborne toxins, such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and benzene, it has the added bonus of not being toxic to cats and dogs.

  1. Aloe vera

Did you know that while great for healing burns and other types of skin irritations, aloe vera is also a wonderful air purifier. Easy to care for and with a variety of other uses too, it is highly effective at removing toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde.

  1. Peace lily

Able to filter a range of common household pollutants, including formaldehyde, benzene and even ammonia, this gorgeous plant will also help to increase humidity levels in the home.

  1. Bamboo palm

If you’ve got a big enough space and want to fill it with a stunning plant that will purify the air, you can’t go far wrong with a bamboo palm. Able to effectively remove carbon monoxide, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air, it is also highly effective at boosting humidity in homes.

  1. Golden Pothos

If you’re looking for a plant that doesn’t require much regular maintenance, but which will still be great at purifying the air, the Golden Pothos could be your plant of choice. With its ability to eliminate xylene, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air in your home, it can be grown in many different conditions, and as mentioned, is easy to care for.

Plants can brighten up any home, but when they help to make the very air you breathe, cleaner and healthier, choosing to grow them becomes more than just a way of livening the place up, and giving yourself something calming to admire every day. To know more about air-purifying plants in your locality, pop in to your local gardening store for some advice and guidance. And don’t forget that regular cleaning with hypoallergenic products, is another great way to purify your indoor air.