5 Things In The Home We Don’t Clean Enough

tampa building cleaning services

While we may spend a lot of time cleaning our homes – and they may look perfectly clean at first glance – there are often some items or areas that get overlooked, and while they may get forgotten about, they can quickly gather a lot of dust, grime and bacteria.

Here are 5 things in the home that we often overlook during our cleaning schedule:

  • The inside of the dishwasher:

It’s easy to think that because the dishwasher uses hot water and soap, that it doesn’t need to be cleaned, but think again, because the inside of your dishwasher can quickly become bunged up with all manner of smelly food debris!

Take out the filter and give that a thorough clean before deodorizing the inside of the machine with baking soda. Take the soda and sprinkle a cup of it over the bottom of the dishwasher, then leave it to sit overnight. The next day, pop a cup full of vinegar in the dishwasher and run it on the hottest cycle to get it clean and smelling fresh again.

  • Your kitchen sink:

It may shock you to know that scientific studies have shown our sinks can contain more E.Coli than our toilets after flushing, and it’s no surprise when you think how bacteria love moist atmospheres and to feed from leftover food particles. So, try to clean your sink every day with a disinfectant solution, and never eat food that has fallen into the sink without washing it off first!

  • The trash can:

We can all get lazy with our trash cans from time to time, we throw garbage in it and don’t always check to see if it made it into the bag, or the bag may have a leak and we simply can’t face the disgusting task of cleaning the mess up, so we simply put another trash bag in on top of it!

While we may not plan to eat our dinner from our trash can, it should still be hygienically clean, particularly if we need to touch the lid or if there are small, curious hands in the home. Disposable cleaning wipes can be great for a speedy clean up, or for a really dirty trash can, sprinkle baking soda liberally over the bottom, let it sit for a few minutes before spraying an all-purpose cleaner over it and wiping the residue off with a paper towel.

  • Remote controls:

These are often in constant use, and by many different pairs of hands with varying degrees of cleanliness, and they can be a real breeding ground for germs and grime. Tests by scientists discovered that the average remote control was at the very least harbouring cold viruses, and so wiping them clean with an alcoholic disposable wipe as often as possible, is a must.

  • Light switches and door knobs:

These are used far more often than we probably realise, and as a result, they can become grubby and riddled with germs very quickly. A simple solution lies with white vinegar, which can be wiped over the switches and knobs to effectively remove bacteria and eliminate stains, too.

For all your cleaning needs, simply use the services of a local, professional cleaning team who will make sure that your entire home is hygienically clean within your budget, and at a schedule that suits you.