Make Light Work Of Cleaning Your Home With This Customizable Checklist


Unfortunately for those who aren’t fans of housework (and don’t worry, you’re not alone!), keeping a truly clean home, means keeping it clean all of the time: day in, day out, month on month, year on year. But that doesn’t mean that every item and every space in your home, has to be cleaned all of the time.

To help you make light work of cleaning your home, and keep it as clean as possible, most (all is a little ambitious!) of the time – if you’re not quite ready to hand the cleaning reigns over to house cleaning services in Naples, FL, that is – you can follow this customizable checklist:

Tasks to be carried out every day

You might think there aren’t enough hours in the day for you to do some cleaning every single day of the week, but when you break the tasks down, it makes them seem a lot more manageable.

Here are some daily cleaning tasks:

  • – Make your bed
  • – Wipe and sanitize kitchen and bathroom counters
  • – Load or unload the dishwasher
  • – Take out the trash
  • – Declutter every evening (return things to their rightful places)
  • – Wipe down dining table and sink

Tasks to be carried out weekly

Nobody really wants to spend their weekend cleaning, but if you focus and get on with it early, you can dive into the weekend with a fresh and clean home.

Here are some weekly cleaning tasks:

  • – Vacuum and/or mop floors
  • – Give frequently used appliances a quick wipe down
  • – Clean up kitchen spillages
  • – Wipe down and sanitize surfaces
  • – Wipe mirrors
  • – Clean and disinfect kitchen and bathroom sinks
  • – Disinfect the toilets
  • – Launder linens
  • – Get rid of any expired food
  • – Sanitize touch points

Tasks to be carried out monthly

Some places in your home stay cleaner for longer, making them prime for a monthly cleaning session. This may require some forward planning, but if you’ve been keeping up with your daily and weekly cleaning, it shouldn’t take too long.

Here are some monthly cleaning tasks:

  • – Dust all surfaces
  • – Clean the inside of the windows
  • – Dust baseboards and clean them if necessary
  • – Dust blinds
  • – Dust ceiling fans and vents

Going over surfaces and items you’ve dusted with a damp cloth (soaked in warm, soapy water) can help make them even cleaner.

Monthly bathroom cleaning tasks:

Depending on your individual home and who you share it with, you may need to carry out these tasks on a more frequent basis:

  • – Clean mirrors and light fixtures
  • – Launder shower curtains and liners
  • – Clean tub, shower and toilet thoroughly

Monthly kitchen cleaning tasks:

Again, as with your bathroom, if your kitchen gets particularly grubby quite quickly, you may need to clean the following areas more frequently:

  • – Scrub stovetop and burner grates
  • – Wipe down all cabinetry and appliances with warm, soapy water
  • – Clean trash cans inside and out
  • – Run the dishwasher on a hot cycle with a bowl of white vinegar sitting on the top rack. You may need to clean the filter and gasket, too.
  • – Wipe down the top of the refrigerator

Monthly living room cleaning tasks:

Living rooms tend to get cluttered and messy rather than filthy, but ideally, the following still needs to be done on a monthly basis:

  • – Vacuum the couch
  • – Launder any soft furnishings that are stained or not smelling fresh
  • – Declutter
  • – Wash the carpet or rugs (if needed, otherwise this can be done less frequently)

Your washing machine would also benefit from being deeply cleaned every month, particularly if it’s used frequently.

Tasks to be carried out ever three to six months

Some find it helpful to create a calendar for cleaning tasks that are required on a less frequent basis, not only so that they don’t forget them, but also to remind themselves of when those tasks were last carried out:

  • – Cleaning blinds (not just dusting them)
  • – Deep cleaning carpets and rugs
  • – Polishing stainless steel appliances
  • – Cleaning and descaling appliances, such as the coffeemaker and kettle
  • – Launder soft furnishings

Tasks to be carried out on an annual basis

Whether you deeply clean the following tasks once a year, or a little more often will depend entirely on your household and circumstances, but once you’ve done them, you’ll feel very proud of yourself!

  • – Deep clean the oven and range hood
  • – Empty and wipe down cabinets and shelves
  • – Vacuum mattresses and spot treat where necessary

You may also wish to add some seasonal cleaning tasks to the list:

Tasks to be carried out during the spring

There’s no specific time to carry these out, but picking a dry, sunny day can be helpful:

  • – Disconnect the dryer and vacuum the vent and clean it
  • – Clean the outside of the windows (where possible)

Tasks to be carried out during the summer

A blazing hot day may make some of these tasks tiresome, so try to do them on a day when the sun isn’t beating down too fiercely, or do them early morning or evening:

  • – Deep cleaning grill and grilling equipment
  • – Sweep and wash decks, patios and driveways
  • – Clean outdoor furniture

Tasks to be carried out during fall

This time of year is great for catching up on some tasks that might have fallen by the wayside, and for getting you winter-ready:

  • – Overhaul the HVAC system (a professional inspection is highly recommended)
  • – Clean up the yard
  • – Organize and clean the garage (it doesn’t have to be spotless; it’s a garage after all!)
  • – Go through your medicine cabinet and throw out expired stuff

Tasks to be carried out during the winter

You might not feel so much like cleaning during the cold, winter months, but as with most home cleaning, you’ll feel better once you’ve done it:

  • – Remove fireplace ash and schedule a chimney inspection
  • – Clean boot rooms/boot and shoe trays
  • – Deep clean rugs
  • – Pull out appliances and furniture so that you clean underneath and behind them

Alternatively, you could ignore this checklist and simply have professional maid services in Naples do it all for you!

Keeping a consistently clean home takes a lot of effort, and nobody would blame you for seeking professional help, especially when you’re a busy parent, workaholic, or simply someone who hates cleaning and always has better things to be doing with their time! But, if you do prefer to tackle it all yourself, this handy checklist breaks everything down into chunks you should be able to manage, especially if you enlist the help of your family and anyone else you share the home with.