
How To Simplify Post Renovation Cleaning

If you’ve just had your home renovated, there will probably be a lot of mess to clear away before you can move back in, and as is the case with most contractors, tidying up after their work is done, isn’t

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9 Tips to Help Teenagers Keep Their Rooms Clean

Life can be tough for teenagers, even if as adults, we know deep down that life is only going to get tougher! With raging hormones and stress surrounding school or college, teenagers often struggle to find the energy, let alone

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5 Vacuuming Hacks to Change Your Life

A vacuum cleaner should be your best friend around the home, and with these five hacks, the two of you just might become inseparable! Finding small items such as jewelry If you’ve got an old nylon stocking or sock that

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5 Top Tips for Stressing Less About Cleaning

Arguments in the average household often center around cleaning: who hasn’t taken out the trash, which child hasn’t cleaned their room or whose turn is it to do the dishes, and it can cause a lot of stress! However, there

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8 Of the Best Bathroom Cleaning Tips

Scrubbing toilets and grappling with pesky mildew stains is hardly anyone’s idea of fun, but thankfully there are certain tips you can follow for making cleaning your bathroom, less of a chore; here are 8 of the best: Use vinegar

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How To Achieve Sparkling Stainless Steel

Many modern kitchens contain items that are made of stainless steel, and while it can look very attractive, it can be tricky to keep clean. To restore the stainless steel in your kitchen, why not try the following tips: Cleaning

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Tips for Keeping a Clean Home When You Have ADHD

ADHD can be a challenging diagnosis, and while we associate it with younger people, some aren’t diagnosed until they’re adults, and it can cause many problems for them. As adults with ADHD, many feel guilty and embarrassed about their condition

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8 Simple Tips For A Dust Free Home

Dust can be found in most homes, but some are more prone to it than others, and when it builds up over time, it can look unsightly and even pose a very real threat to your health. Comprised of all

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Teenagers And A Clean Home

When your kids are little, getting them to help you clean around the home might be easy, especially as they are  eward focused and often enjoy mimicking what their parents are doing. But as your kids get older, this can

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Cleaning For Dummies

You don’t have to be a genius to clean your home, that much is true, but sometimes it does pay to put a little thought into how you do it. Haphazardly cleaning your home in a random fashion usually only

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