
Coping With A Dirty Housemate Or Guest

You may really like your housemate or guest, but you may not like their dirty habits! It can be hard keeping a home as clean as you would like when you share it with others who don’t have your views

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Does Your Mouldy Refrigerator Need Cleaning?

If your refrigerator has mold growing anywhere in it, it could be a posing a very real threat to your health. Certain molds may not only ruin any food not stored safely in your fridge, but can have negative consequences

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Cleaning Your Top Loading Washing Machine

Since a washing machine is there to wash our dirty laundry, it can be easy to forget – or not even realise – that the machine itself should be cleaned, too. However, despite the fact that we use detergents to

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Grubby Glass? Let’s Get That Fixed!

Nothing can make an otherwise clean home look messy more than streaky windows and mirrors. Cleaning glass can be time-consuming, and sometimes when we’ve spent what felt like hours spraying, buffing and shining our windows and mirrors, we’re still left

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How Bad Can Dust Be For Your Health?

Dust is everywhere, and none less so than in our homes. If you’re a frequent cleaner, then perhaps you only ever see a light coating of dust on surfaces and under furniture? But for those who are less prone to

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When Cleaning Becomes An Obsession

Cleaning is something that all of us do, whether daily, or less frequently, we all have homes to keep tidy and many chores to fulfil that make up part of that process. But when it comes to cleaning our homes,

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Cleaning To Prevent Dust Mite Allergies

Dust is everywhere. In our homes, at our places of work and in the atmosphere all around us, but can it be harmful to our health? The answer is a definitive yes, it can be harmful to our health in

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