How To Get The Kids Involved With Cleaning Your Home

Kids Involved With Cleaning Your Home

Let’s face it, our kids are often the reason behind our untidy homes, so why not make the little darlings part of the solution, too!

Kids can actually play a vital role in helping to keep your home clean, and it’s important to get them involved from as young an age as possible. Not only will this mean that they can help you keep the home clean and tidy, but having ingrained a sense of pride and duty towards cleanliness in them, it will hopefully be something that they carry with them throughout the rest of their lives.

But just how do we get our kids involved with cleaning our home? First of all, you need to:

Show Them How It’s Done

Kids will usually follow by example, so showing them exactly how you want them to perform each cleaning task, should ensure that they complete them to your standards. Guide them through it step by step, and show them how you want the end result to look.

You could even create a list for them to refer to (providing they are of reading age, naturally), with clear instructions and a space for them to tick things off as they go along.

Give Them Suitable Storage Containers/Bins

Your kids will need something that they can conveniently ‘throw’ their toys or dirty laundry into, and encouraging them to put everything away after they’ve used it, will help you and them to keep on top of mess and clutter. Ensuring that they at least tidy their rooms before they go to bed at night, will certainly help too.

Reward Them

It’s no surprise to parents out there that kids respond well to the idea of being rewarded for good behavior, or for doing the things we ask of them; embrace this and remember that it doesn’t necessarily have to be a financial reward, it could be allowing them to spend time playing a game with you, watching their favorite video or a tasty snack that they really love.

If your children already receive an allowance, you could give them a little extra for finishing their chores to your satisfaction.

Give Them Their Own Cleaning Kit

You may be able to purchase these from a store, or you could create your own, but making them brightly colored and fun to look at will encourage them to actually use them. Giving them their own kit will also help them to enjoy the responsibility of owning something so important, themselves. 

Ask For Your Kids Input When Designing/Arranging Their Bedrooms

Doing this will help to give your kids a vested interest in their own personal space, and should encourage them to take more pride in keeping it clean and tidy.

Get Them Involved In All Aspects Of Cleaning

Don’t just limit your kids to cleaning their own rooms, have them follow along with you as you clean other areas of the home and offer the same reward system for any help that they give.