How Best to Clean Your Laptop or Computer And Mouse

Whether you work from home in a customized remote office, or simply watch a lot of movies online, computers and laptops are owned by millions of Americans, and are extremely useful electronic items to have. However, they can get dirty pretty quickly and in some instances, even harbor nasty bacteria and viruses.

If you can’t remember the last time you cleaned your laptop, or computer and mouse (or if you ever cleaned them at all!), you should probably follow the guidance below to make sure they’re clean and free of germs:

How to clean your laptop or computer screen

  • Switch off the device and unplug it
  • Wipe the screen with a dry microfiber cloth to remove finger marks, dust or any other debris
  • If stubborn marks remain, mix a 1:1 ratio of rubbing alcohol and water, and spray it onto a microfiber cloth that you can use to wipe the screen more thoroughly.

How to clean your computer or laptop’s keyboard

  • Carefully turn the keyboard of your computer upside down to shake out any excess food crumbs, dirt, or debris. For laptop keyboards, make sure you unplug the device before turning it upside down and gently shaking it.
  • If possible, use a can of compressed air for the best way to remove excess or stubborn debris.
  • Then, moisten a cotton swab or toothbrush with rubbing alcohol and clean around each key, before doing the same to the top of the keys. While the swab or toothbrush shouldn’t be dripping wet, it should be moist enough to collect any smaller particles of debris.
  • Use a dry microfiber cloth to wipe down any moisture that remains and polish up the keyboard.

How to clean yourmouse

  • For wired mouses, start by unplugging it from the device
  • Then, in much the same way as for the keyboard, use a can of compressed air to shift any excess debris caught in the crevices of the mouse.
  • Then, wipe the mouse down with a microfiber cloth moistened with rubbing alcohol or water. If your mouse has a scroll wheel, turn it over and lightly shake it to dislodge any remaining debris.
  • Take care to clean the underside of the mouse, too, before going over it one last time with a dry microfiber cloth.

It takes but a few minutes to clean your computer or laptop and mouse, and the more often you can do it, the less chance there is of you picking up any harmful bacteria from it. This is especially important if other people use your laptop or computer, or it sits in a busy office.