Are Pets Making Your Home Feel Unclean?

House Cleaning With Pets

Many American homes feel incomplete without the addition of pets, and while dogs are perhaps one of our most popular pets, they are also perhaps the smelliest and dirtiest! What with hair shedding, pooping, muddy paw prints and scraps of food, dogs can quickly make a home feel unclean, no matter how hard you try to keep it clean.

However, there are a few things that you can do to keep your home as clean and hygienic as possible when you share it with dogs, and provided you don’t get lazy, your home can still feel clean:

Have a separate place for your pooches’ things:

Ensure that your dogs bowls are kept separate from your own crockery and if possible, wash them in a separate sink area to avoid contamination. Any leashes, toys, bedding and other items should also be stored away from your own things, and washed as and when required to prevent germs and bacteria from making their home on them.

Try to avoid your dog licking your face or sleeping on your bed:

We know that dogs’ mouths can play host to all manner of germs and bacteria, so not allowing them to lick your face – especially your mouth – is simple common sense. The same applies to allowing your dog to sleep on your bed; they’ll shed hair, bacteria and possibly even fleas while lying on it, and so when you come to get into bed, it’ll look and feel, anything but clean.

Wash your hands frequently:

Regular hand washing – preferably with an anti-bacterial soap – is one of the best ways of preventing germs and bacteria from spreading, whether you have a pet dog or not. But washing your hands after prolonged contact with your pet or after handling any of their items, will certainly limit the risk. If you have been picking up your pets’ poop, then wash your hands immediately, even if you were wearing a glove or had a bag over your hand.

Groom your doggy regularly:

Grooming your dog often will prevent a lot of unwanted hair and dead skin from ending up on your floors, carpets and upholstery. If your dog is prone to shedding, then daily grooming may be necessary, and as pets usually enjoy the process, it shouldn’t be too difficult to work this into your daily routine.

Bathe your dog regularly:

Although not all dogs enjoy being bathed, it may be necessary to inflict it upon them at least once a month, or whenever your dog is beginning to look grubby or smell stinky! When you do this, try to wash their bedding at the same time, so that your fresh and clean pooch can stay fresh and clean for as long as possible.

These tips, if followed, should help you and your pets live in hygienic harmony together, and will prevent neighbors from declining to visit due to the waft of dirty dog in the air!