Top Tools to Make Cleaning Your Home A Breeze

There are some great cleaning tools and utensils out there that do a remarkable job for the specific task they’re intended for, but which also work surprisingly well in other ways, too.

Take a look at these top cleaning tools and see if they could help you make cleaning a breeze:

Magic Eraser

Great for removing a variety of stains on hard surfaces, did you also know that if you cut a piece of a magic eraser off and leave it in the toilet overnight, it’ll get rid of stubborn, unsightly stains.

Lint roller

These are fabulous for removing pet hair and stray threads from your clothes, but you can also use them to clean curtains, lampshades, bed covers, pillows, andany other items of furniture that are covered in pet hair, dust or grime.

Baking Soda

An essential cake making ingredient, baking soda has a variety of other uses around the home, and makes a fantastic stain remover. Simply combine a tablespoon each of baking soda, dish washing detergent, and hydrogen peroxide, and apply it to the affected area, wait a few minutes before placing the item in the washer, or lightly rinsing the item with water.

Baking soda is also very effective at eliminating unpleasant aromas in the fridge, simply place a box of it inside your fridge.

Scrub sponges

While we all know how useful scrub sponges are for washing the dishes, they can also be used with soap and water to clean door tracks and grills.

Vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaners can actually get pretty smelly over time, and every time you vacuum, the smell is spread throughout your home. However, by soaking a cotton ball in an essential oil and placing it inside the vacuum cleaner bag, you can not only make the vacuum itself smell fresher, but your entire home.

Additionally, if you’ve got dents in your carpet or rug from furniture, you can place an ice cube on the mark until the cube melts, and then vacuum over the wet area to restore the carpet or rug.


Take an old toothbrush and use it dipped in dish soap and water to clean the shelves, nooks, and hard-to-reach dusty areas of the interior of your fridge.

You can also use a toothbrush to remove clogged food from a grater before washing it.


For an excellent stain remover, spray Windex onto the affected area and wait for around 15 minutes before washing it off. You can also use it to clean your kids toys and your kitty’s litter box, just make sure to wipe the Windex off after leaving it to sit for a couple of minutes.

Hire a professional cleaning service, on the other hand, and you can forget all about these tips and tricks, as they’ll have plenty of their own. Not only can you forget about tips when you hire a cleaner, but you can forget about cleaning altogether – what could be easier!