Want Your Toilet Bowl to Sparkle?

Sparkle Toilet

The toilet. We can’t live without one, and we use it a lot, but keeping it clean is a task few of us relish. That said, it’s a task that we really must force ourselves to accomplish at least once a week, and more often depending on what has been going on inside it!

Stores are teeming with costly products that all promise us a dazzlingly clean toilet bowl, and with precious little effort, too, but do we really need to splash out (pardon the pun) on such items, or might we have the right tools and products for the job sitting under our noses at home? Might we even have items to clean it that aren’t so harmful to the environment, too?

Curious about how to make your toilet bowl sparkle with little effort and a few store cupboard essentials? Well, read on to know more!

Cleaning your toilet bowl:

All you’ll need to clean your toilet bowl is half a cup of bicarbonate of soda, some white vinegar in a bottle with a spray diffuser, some cleaning cloths and of course, a pair of rubber gloves.

  • Begin by flushing the toilet to moisten the sides of the bowl.
  • Take the bicarbonate of soda and sprinkle it generously onto the sides of the damp bowl.
  • Then, take your spray bottle full of vinegar and soak the sides of the bowl thoroughly, continuing until the bicarbonate of soda begins to fizz.
  • Next, liberally spray the entire toilet with vinegar and leave it for around 15 minutes.
  • Once the 15 minutes are up, take a damp cloth and proceed to wipe the whole toilet clean. Most marks should simply lift off with ease after being soaked in the vinegar, and then you can give the seat and rim a quick wipe, too.
  • Next, using the same cloth, wipe the inside of the toilet bowl down, making sure not to miss underneath the rim, where a lot of nasty germs and odours can linger. With a toilet brush, (or with your hand encased in a rubber glove, providing it goes up almost to your elbow!), scrub at the bottom of the bowl until all marks or streaks have disappeared.
  • Your toilet should now be looking and smelling much fresher and cleaner, and don’t worry, the smell of vinegar doesn’t linger for long.

And there you have it, a quick, cheap and easy way to make your toilet bowl sparkle
without harming your pocket, or the environment.